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Many healers and lightworkers believe we are currently living in a time where more and more people are waking up and expanding their conscious awareness. This includes children who are born during the last several decades.

Recently I made my daughters very first crystal necklace and she is in heaven! I watch her play with it when she is stressed or frustrated....she gently rubs it with her fingers...adorable to watch.

Kids have so much energy that it can be difficult for them to tune it down during times of rest and relaxation. Crystals and gemstones are one of the best ways to help them calm down. Use crystals to calm children, settle their nerves, soothe their active minds, and relax their bodies.

For thousands of years, ancient civilizations have utilized the power of crystals to release mental, physical and spiritual blockages, thus facilitating the free flow of energy throughout the body. Our bodies and quartz crystals are both made up of mineral silicon-dioxide on a cellular level. Because of this, we are naturally receptive to the vibrations of crystals as they transmit, reflect, store light and receive energy. When crystals are placed directly on your body, they have a powerful vibratory effect that surges from the crystal to you. According to the law of physics, thoughts direct energy and energy follows thought. Crystals and gemstones serve as a tool to help the thoughts of our consciousness connect with our bodies.


1) Have them watch you play first with crystals - Kids will often take an interest in crystals immediately when they see them. I try to show how gentle I am so hopefully they will follow.

2) Choose - Children are very in tune with spiritual energies, much more so than adults, and they have an uncanny ability to trust their intuition and gravitate toward the perfect crystal for them. If you don’t own any crystals take them to a crystal shop, or let them look through photos of crystals in our online crystal shop, and let them choose their own crystal. 3) Teach - Help your child learn how to use crystals to improve their life. Encourage them to program their crystal with an intention so that it can always help them with that goal. My daughter is not old enough yet so for now I just let her play. Show them different ways they can use their crystal, and the various healing properties their crystal has in store for them. And don't forget to show them how to care for and cleanse their crystal.


  • Carry a tumbled stone in their pocket

  • Place their crystal(s) in a medicine pouch, which can then be placed in their pocket, tied to a string and worn around their neck, or placed in a backpack or purse.

  • Keep it under their pillow or on their nightstand to help them sleep at night or during naps.

  • Crystal necklaces, bracelets, or rings can be worn by older children or under supervision for younger kids.

  • Tie crystal beads onto their shoelaces.

  • Place crystals in their bathwater to help them settle down and relax.

  • Help your child build a crystal grid (show him/her Adam, The Crystal Grid Maker's videos, a little boy who intuitively creates and explains crystal grids).

  • Create a dreamcatcher with crystal beads together with your child.



Amethyst is our absolute favorite crystal as it is awesome for helping with pretty much anything you throw at it. The healing properties of amethyst span all parts of the mind, body, and spirit, and it can help children in many ways. Amethyst provides a gentle energy that is protective and spiritual. It improves concentration, memory, and focus, so it is excellent for school and homework. It calms and soothes the body and mind, prepares the body for sleep, and wards off nightmares. It improves intuition, creativity, and emotional understanding, and it transmutes negative energy into love. Amethyst is one of those stones that your child can carry with them at all times to help them feel better in almost all situations.


Rose Quartz is perfect for children because it is a gentle stone that offers an unlimited dose of loving energy. It is positive and uplifting, and it soothes emotions, hyperactivity, fear, anxiety, aggression, and obsessive-compulsive behavior. Rose quartz boosts self-love and love for others. It inspires empathy, openness, forgiveness, compassion, and unconditional love. It can also be used to soothe babies who have colic.


Hematite emits a grounding energy that offers feelings of protection. It can serve to calm children down and prepare them for class. It provides a balanced energy that promotes feelings of strength and courage while being calming at the same time. Hematite also neutralizes negative energy, boosts confidence, and reduces worries.


Black tourmaline offers a gentle energy that provides protection from negative energies and emotions. It can help children feel safe and secure as they embark on their journey at school or lay down to sleep at night. With black tourmaline, children will feel confident and grounded, and it will help reduce their fears. It also boosts their immune function.


Clear quartz is the Master Healer, and it can be used to heal all wounds, whether physical or emotional. It can help children ease any pain they are feeling and recover faster when they are sick. Clear quartz also eliminates negative energy, serving to provide children with the confidence that nothing can harm them.


Tiger's eye helps children come out of the clouds and feel grounded, so while it is useful from time to time, children need to dream and shouldn't carry it with them all the time. Tiger's eye also promotes self-esteem and courage, and it helps children do the right thing and use good judgment. It provides protection and a sense of security as well.


Aquamarine is a wonderfully soothing crystal that settles nerves, anxiety, and stomach aches related to anxiety. It also brings clarity of thought, and those qualities put together

make it extremely useful for test taking. Aquamarine also helps children tell the truth.


Carnelian is a warm stone that promotes confidence, joy, and strength. It sparks creativity, openness, and helps children trust themselves. Carnelian also facilitates loving energy between children and parents.


Citrine has a cheerful energy that brings vitality, happiness, and confidence to children. It is also known for its manifestation powers, so it can be used to help children feel more confident that they can have the outcomes they want if they set their mind to them.

Am I still the sick girl since I have been all my life?


Or am a Phoenix rising from the ashes of of hellish torture?


Fortunately I am choosing the Phoenix.....I always wanted to here goes.


Age 33 was lovely......divorced, bankrupt and losing both my homes, while I worked my ass off. None of this was due to be being lazy. I worked 5 jobs to try to get our mortgages paid through the recession. Basically I allowed men to live off of me during those years for money. I chose to take it so I knew what I was doing. Somehow I thought they would return the love. I was buying LOVE.


I bought over $100,000 worth of love from a man and ended up with nothing. No voice, no power, no money, no kids, no husband, no dreams. Too many dreams had left....I was a shell of woman with only despair and everyone looking at me like I am an idiot since I bailed him out of all his debt while I worked for it.​

Realizing at age 33 my soul was crushed in ways I couldn't even imagine. My dreams ran out and no way to take care of myself since my health problems were escalating and the economy was horrible at the time. No apology, no love....just despair and health issues spiraling out of control.


34- Met the love of my life! But before I knew it I was ripping him to shreds in my head on our first date. Like every woman does if the guy is too nice. Most women I know anyway.


A loud voice screamed in my head at the dinner table "Just shut the hell up and enjoy your dinner! He just drove your butt all the way up to Seattle to your favorite restaurant....just enjoy the company and be polite."


At that point I submitted and said ok I will just ditch him after dinner, but have fun in meantime.


Once he kissed me it was all over......I love this man so much my heart aches all the time with love for him. This is the true love I had always been searching for. Seeing him as a Father to his boys made me fall even more in love with him.


This man has truly helped me find the way to me. The real Jessica without sickness. The girl always hiding her true self only showing what she thought others wanted to see to make them happy. Never realizing in the end she was always left unhappy and none came to rescue her like she did for so many others.


So then I turned 38 and spent well over $100,000 to get pregnant or adopt. It was a shit show how that all went down. Anyone who knows me knows this was impossible. Hardly able to keep my body up at this point as the pain was increasing big time daily. I was beyond desperate but just kept doing what I always do...acted my way into saying I am fine. I would sob through the day and night silently from pain.....never ending physical pain. I would beg God to help me. My pain grew so intense I would have no other choice than to sit there for hours paralyzed by pain.


I will never forget the news of being diagnosed with Lyme Disease. Hit me so hard....silently plotting my suicide. That's what my Dad did so may as well follow....his chronic pain ate him alive. He was in so much physical pain he couldn’t function.


But once my doctor calmed me down I felt better thinking well at least I have insurance to cover it. I finally after 38 years of pain know WHY!


Ya no such luck. Insurance doesn't cover that disease and don't forget this is the disease that makes you look crazy and people will accuse you of faking it. what?!


And.....that's when I took matters into my own hands.


I was so far down the hole of despair at that point all I could see was black. Black sticky tar.....dragging my body through it. Screaming at me to keep moving because if I stop moving I won't be able to get back up.


I knew suicide was not the answer. My Mom already lived through my Dad's suicide....can't do that to her.


Walking up all night never having sleep taught me just how much I needed to love myself. I sobbed for hours and days and days sobbing out all the trauma to let this shit go once and for all. I had no clue how much my body held onto trauma.


All my organs had shut down and i dropped to 98 pounds. All the doctors told me to make sure and eat even when it was coming out the same way it went in. Didn't matter what I ate it I was unable to digest anything. At this point i had none who could help me....but me.


I chose LIFE


I chose LIGHT


I chose to rise like the PHOENIX


I slowly started to see myself for who I really was.....a scared girl too afraid to show herself. Not the bitch I made myself out to be.


This blog is about my path and the many crazy ways I learned to heal when I took matter into my own hands to become my own Doctor.

Who Am I?

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